Peaceful Pets Services
January 22. 2024
We adopted Shelby, our love, from a rescue when she was 8 weeks old. She was smart, loyal and loved life! Shelby loved going on super long walks, hanging out with us at wineries, sleeping on the couch on her back with her legs stretched out, but most of all playing with her toys, especially her shoe. She would take a hold of the shoe by its lace and swing it around, sometimes getting tangled with it. When it came to our house, she was a fierce protector. When we were on walks she loved meeting other people and dogs. She looked forward to seeing the crossing guard each morning. We know she was put in our lives for a reason and to serve a purpose. She kept her daddy happy and healthy! Her life was cut short due to cancer. She was going to turn seven on February 16th but on January 22nd the angels from Peaceful Pets helped her get her wings since her body was losing the battle.
There are no words to describe the bond we shared. Her unconditional love is a treasure we will never forget. We have learned so much from her. Cherish, celebrate and love your pets each day. They are a chapter in our lives while we are their whole book.
Shelby, you will be forever in our hearts! Forever remembered, forever missed!
Heidi M